PCCS Services
Advanced Diagnostic Brouchoscopy
Robotic Assisted Navigational Diagnostic Bronchoscopy
- Access deeper into the lung periphery
- Precision Targeting of suspicious areas
Endobronchial Ultrasounds (EBUS)
A procedure used to diagnose different kinds of lung problems, including infections or cancer. The tool used is a flexible tube that goes into your mouth, and then into your windpipe and lungs. At the end of the tube is a small video camera that takes pictures of your lungs and nearby areas. The pictures can help locate and evaluate places on your lung previously seen on X-rays or scans that need a closer look.
Electromagnetic Navigation Diagnostic Bronchoscopy (ENB)
A procedure that utilizes three-dimensional reconstructions of the chest CT to facilitate electromagnetic guidance to peripheral lung nodules. This procedure is useful for biopsy as well as the placement of fiducial markers.
Pulmonary Function Test
A series of different breathing exercises to find out how well air moves in and out of the lungs and how well the oxygen enters the bloodstream.
Six-minute walk test
- A walking test that measures the patient’s oxygen level.
Therapeutic Brouchoscopy and Interventional Plumonary

The Zephyr ® Endobronchial Valve System
Zephyr ® Endobronchial Valves
The Zephyr ® Endobronchial Valve System is the first FDA-approved, minimally invasive procedure to help emphysema sufferers breathe easier without major surgery.
Rigid Bronchoscopy
A bronchoscopy is a procedure that allows the physician to look inside the airways using a bronchoscope. The bronchoscope is a tube with a camera at the end. A rigid bronchoscopy can
- Control bleeding
- Reduce tumor size
- Place a stent
- Remove food or pulls from your lung
- Take biopsies
Advance Diagnostic Bronchoscopy
Bronchoscopy is a procedure that is performed to look at the air passages in the lungs with a small camera. During this procedure, the physician is able to inspect the airways and collect samples of mucus or lung tissue.
Pulmonary Stenting
Argon Plasma Coagulation for Tumor Ablation and Cauterization
- Is a noncontact thermal ablation technique that helps to debulk or cauterize tissue.
Cryosurgical Ablation for endobronchial lesions
Endobronchial Electrosurgery for removal and destruction for airway lesions.
Pulmonary Function Test
A series of different breathing exercises to find out how well air moves in and out of the lungs and how well the oxygen enters the bloodstream.
Six-minute walk test
- A walking test that measures the patient’s oxygen level.